Kategori arşivi: PrizmaBetim

Trump’ın danışmanı Steve Bannon tahliye edildi

ABD Cezaevleri Genel Müdürlüğü sözcülerinden Benjamin O’Cone, 70 yaşındaki Steve Bannon hakkında BBC’ye açıklama yaptı.

Bannon’un 4 aydır Connecticut eyaletindeki cezaevinde kaldığını aktaran O’Cone, Trump’ın eski danışmanının tahliye edildiğini duyurdu.

6 Ocak 2021’de ABD Kongresine yapılan baskını araştıran Kongre paneline ifade vermeyi reddettiği için “Kongreyi tahkir” gerekçesiyle mahkum edilen Bannon, tahliyesinin ardından basın toplantısı düzenledi.

Trump’ın sağ kolundan ‘iç düşman’ açıklaması

Bannon, basın toplantısında, “(ABD Adalet Bakanı) Merrick Garland, (Başkan Yardımcısı) Kamala Harris ve (eski Temsilciler Meclisi Başkanı) Nancy Pelosi rejiminin siyasi tutsağı olmaktan nihayet kurtuldum.” diye konuştu.

Michelle Obama’dan Trump’a sert sözler: Zihin sağlığı hakkında endişeliyim

Ayrıca, 2022’de New York eyaletinde ayrı bir davada “kara para aklama, dolandırıcılık ve komplo” ile suçlanan Bannon, hakkındaki suçlamaları reddediyor.

Automatic Refunds for Significant Flight Disruptions: New Airline Rule Goes Into Effect

The Transportation Department’s new rule requiring airlines to provide prompt, automatic refunds to passengers enduring significant flight disruptions is now in effect.

The rule is intended to hold airlines to clear and consistent standards when they cancel, delay or substantially change flights, and require automatic refunds to be issued in cash, or the original form of payment, within 20 days or less, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement in April, when the agency issued the new rule.

“Passengers deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them — without headaches or haggling,” Mr. Buttigieg said.

Here’s what you need to know about the D.O.T.’s new rule, which went into effect on Oct. 28.

There’s now one definition for a “significant” delay.

Until now, airlines have been allowed to set their own definition for what constitutes a “significant” delay and passenger compensation has varied by carrier. Now, according to the D.O.T., there will be one standard: when departure or arrival is delayed by three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international flights.

Passengers will get prompt refunds for cancellations or significant changes for flights, for any reason.

When things go wrong, getting compensation from an airline has often required establishing a cumbersome paper trail or spending untold hours on the phone. Under the new rules, refunds are to be automatic, without passengers having to request them. Refunds will be made in full, excepting the value of any transportation already used. Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in the original form of payment, whether by cash, credit card or airline miles. Refunds are due within seven days for credit card purchases and within 20 days for other payments.

Passengers facing other itinerary changes, such as being downgraded to a lower service class, are also entitled to refunds.

The list of significant changes for which passengers can get their money back also includes: departure or arrival from an airport different from the one booked; connections at different airports or flights on planes that are less accessible to a person with a disability; an increase in the number of scheduled connections. Also, passengers who pay for services like Wi-Fi or seat selection that are then unavailable will be refunded any fees.

Passengers with significantly delayed bags will get checked bag fees refunded.

Checked fees for luggage missing for more than 12 hours for a domestic flight, or 15 hours after an international flight, will be automatically refunded, but passengers must first file a mishandled baggage report.

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Teen Accused in U.K. Dance Class Stabbing Charged With Terror Offenses

The teenager accused of fatally stabbing three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in England has been charged with additional offenses linked to terrorism, the police said on Tuesday.

The teenager, Axel Rudakubana, was already charged with murder in the deaths of the girls, who the police say he attacked at a dance class in July in Southport, a seaside town in northern England. He was also charged with 10 counts of attempted murder and possession of a knife.

Prosecutors have now charged Mr. Rudakubana with offenses linked to terrorism after a monthslong investigation by area police and the counterterrorism policing unit, Serena Kennedy, the chief constable of the Merseyside Police said.

After searching the family’s home, in a quiet corner of the village of Bank, just outside Southport, the police found ricin, a lethal poison, leading to charge of production of a biological toxin. He was also charged with possession of an Al Qaeda training manual, “of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism,” Ms. Kennedy said in a statement.

While Mr. Rudakabuna is charged under Britain’s terrorism laws, the police’s counterterrorism unit did not declare the July 29 stabbing a terrorist incident, the constable said.

“For a matter to be declared a terrorist incident, motivation would need to be established,” she said.

“You may have seen speculation online that the police are deciding to keep things from the public. This is certainly not the case,” Ms. Kennedy said.

Within hours of the July 29 stabbing of three girls, ages 6, 7 and 9, far-right accounts on social media began spreading false claims that the killer was a Muslim asylum seeker who had illegally arrived in the country by boat. Anti-immigrant protests were met by counterprotesters, leading to violent clashes and dozens of arrests around the country.

The violence became an early test for Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who was elected in early July and described the protests as “coordinated” and “deliberate.” He encouraged the police “to take action against extremists on our streets.”

In August, a judge lifted Britain’s usually strict legal restrictions, allowing the news media to name the suspect, who was a minor at the time but has since turned 18. The decision was aimed at quelling rabid online speculation. Mr. Rudakubana was born in Cardiff, the Welsh capital, the police said, though social media posts had erroneously described him as an undocumented immigrant.

The teenager, who remains in custody, will appear at a London magistrate’s court via video link on Wednesday, the police said.

“My plea is to be patient, don’t engage in rumor and speculation and don’t believe everything you read on social media,” Ms. Kennedy said.

Mersin’den kalktı İsrai’e ulaştı! Türkiye İsrail’e ticaret yasağı uyguluyorsa ZIM Virginia’nın yaptığı ne?

İsrail ile ticaret yasağının delindiği önceki gün Mersin’den kalkan İsrail bayraklı Zim Virgina gemisinin bugün Aşdod limanına ulaşması ile gözler önüne serildi.

İsrail’in Gazze’deki işgali de katliamı da hız kesmeden devam ederken yurt içinden İsrail’e yönelik birçok protesto eylemi yapılıyor. Nisan’da Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın yaptığı ithalat-ihracat yasağı açıklamasına rağmen İsrail ile yapılan ticaret ise devam ediyor.

İsrail ile Türkiye arasındaki ticaret iddiaları sürerken en son Mersin limanından yükünü alarak yola çıkan bir geminin İsrail’i ulaşması işin tuzu biberi oldu.

Üstelik bu geminin İsrail’e mühimmat da taşıdığı için tüm dünyada pek çok aktivist tarafından defalarca protesto edilen ZIM firmasına ait Zim Virgina gemisi olduğu ortaya çıktı.

İsrail bayraklı gemi, 28 Ekim’de Mersin limanından aldığı yükünü bir gün sonra Aşdod limanına bıraktı. Geminin Aşdod’a ulaştığını gazeteci Metin Cihan, “Hükümet İsrail ile ticaret işini iyice salmış gibi görünüyor. Tepkileri umursamıyorlar” diyerek açıkladı.

A Month’s Worth of Rain Falls in a Single Day in Parts of Spain

Manuel Yerai, a farmer in southern Spain, watched helplessly on Monday night as hail the size of tennis balls ripped through the plastic sheeting covering his pepper plants, as Spain faced one of its most destructive rainfalls this year.

“My greenhouses look like they had been shot at,” Mr. Yerai, 40, said on Tuesday afternoon, speaking by phone from his farm in El Ejido, an agricultural region in Andalusia. Around him, he said, windows were shattered and cars were damaged. “The ground is full of sparrows,” he said, “dead on the sidewalks.”

Mr. Yerai is one of millions of people in southern and eastern Spain — including cities such as Valencia, Murcia and Malaga — hit by the immense deluge, which began in earnest on Monday night. In some areas, more than a month’s worth of rain fell in a day. In the region of Andalusia, it was four times the amount of rain that usually falls in all of October.

Spain’s meteorological agency said that between 150 and 200 liters per square meter, or roughly 40 to 50 gallons per square yard, fell in some areas over a two-hour period. And meteorologists expect the rains to continue until at least Thursday, if not through the weekend.

A helicopter crew rescued a stranded person after intense rainfall in Alora, Spain, on Tuesday.Credit…Jorge Zapata/EPA, via Shutterstock

“These are huge amounts of rainfall,” said Rubén del Campo, a spokesman at the meteorological agency. He said that the amount of rainfall indicated “extreme danger,” and urged people to not travel unless it was strictly necessary.

Despite Covid ‘Amnesia,’ the Pandemic Simmers Beneath the 2024 Race

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. walked onstage after a parade of pyrotechnics at former President Donald J. Trump’s rally outside Atlanta last week and immediately invoked a name that became a bugaboo of the right and a subject of wild conspiracy theories during the coronavirus pandemic: Bill Gates.

Mr. Gates, Mr. Kennedy informed the crowd, had “been indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the Covid-19 vaccine.” Thousands of red-hatted Trump backers roared their approval. In fact, there had been no indictment; according to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, a judge in the Netherlands ruled that a civil suit accusing Mr. Gates of “vaccination damage” may go forward.

The next night, at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in a different Atlanta suburb, former President Barack Obama blamed Mr. Trump for thousands of coronavirus deaths. More Americans would be alive today, he said, “if we had had a competent administration” that was “trying to do things better instead of talking about injecting bleach into your arm.”

As the most divisive American presidential race in recent history barrels toward a close, many Americans have developed what Wendy Parmet, an expert in public health law at Northeastern University, calls “amnesia” about the coronavirus pandemic. The economy, immigration, abortion and threats to democracy now top the list of voters’ concerns.

But anger and anxiety about Covid-19 are woven into all those issues, simmering underneath as a proxy for the larger debate over trust in government that has shaped the 2024 race.

Last week’s dueling rallies in Atlanta, home to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, offer a case study in the lingering effects of the pandemic on American politics. They tell the story of two Americas, red and blue.

Gnocchi’s Crispy — Let’s Eat

Hello! Ali here, filling in for Emily Weinstein this week.

Susan Ford, a commenter, is telling the truth: Crispy gnocchi are basically tater tots.

Store-bought, shelf-stable gnocchi are best appreciated when seared until their outsides are crisp and their insides are warm and chewy, and then sauced only enough to taste really good.

I go for a saucing that’s thin but high impact — nothing heavy enough to sog that glorious crust. A peppery brown butter for a skillet of seared gnocchi and brussels sprouts. A potent mix of honey, mustard and horseradish for a steakhouse-inspired combination of gnocchi (masquerading as roasted potatoes), spinach and mushrooms. Just the fat rendered from chicken thighs, plus a little lemon.

In my latest recipe (below), a sheet pan of browned sausage “meatballs,” caramelized broccoli and those golden gnocchi are lightly glossed in melted Parmesan and lemon juice. Sneak a few bites before anyone else does when they’re fresh from the oven. Like tater tots.

Credit…Kerri Brewer for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Barrett Washburne.

1. Crispy Gnocchi With Sausage and Broccoli

The commenters seem surprised by this recipe: How can something requiring so little effort — you don’t need to boil the gnocchi before roasting — be so “sumptuous” and “outstanding?” One commenter even thinks it’s worthy of Thanksgiving dinner (drizzled with cranberry sauce, of course).

Cómo Rusia, China e Irán están interfiriendo en las elecciones presidenciales de EE. UU.

Cuando Rusia interfirió en las elecciones presidenciales de EE. UU. de 2016, difundiendo mensajes divisivos e incendiarios en internet para avivar la indignación, sus mensajes eran descarados y estaban plagados de faltas de ortografía y sintaxis extraña. Estaban diseñados para llamar la atención por cualquier medio necesario.

“Hillary es un Satanás”, decía una publicación rusa en Facebook.

Ahora, ocho años después, la injerencia extranjera en las elecciones estadounidenses es mucho más sofisticada y difícil de rastrear.

La desinformación procedente del extranjero —sobre todo de Rusia, China e Irán— ha madurado para convertirse en una amenaza constante y perniciosa, a medida que los países prueban, repiten y despliegan tácticas cada vez más sutiles, según funcionarios de inteligencia y defensa de EE. UU., empresas tecnológicas e investigadores académicos. La capacidad de influir incluso en un pequeño grupo de estadounidenses podría tener enormes consecuencias para las elecciones presidenciales, que las encuestas en general consideran una contienda que va empatada.

Rusia, según las evaluaciones de los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses, pretende reforzar la candidatura del expresidente Donald Trump, mientras que Irán favorece a su oponente, la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. China no parece tener un resultado preferido.

Pero el objetivo general de estos esfuerzos no ha cambiado: sembrar la discordia y el caos con la esperanza de desacreditar la democracia estadounidense ante los ojos del mundo. Sin embargo, las campañas han evolucionado, adaptándose a un panorama mediático cambiante y a la proliferación de nuevas herramientas que hacen que sea fácil engañar a audiencias crédulas.

He aquí las formas en que ha evolucionado la desinformación extranjera:

Ahora, la desinformación está básicamente en todas partes

Rusia fue el principal artífice de la desinformación relacionada con las elecciones estadounidenses de 2016, y sus mensajes se difundieron principalmente en Facebook.

Trump Family Members and Biden Aides Among China Hack Targets

Members of former President Donald J. Trump’s family, as well as Biden administration and State Department officials, were among those targeted by the China-linked hackers who were able to break into telecommunications company systems, according to people familiar with the matter.

The sophisticated hacking operation has alarmed national security officials and appears to have targeted a substantial but focused list of people whose communications would be of interest to the Chinese government. The list of known targets is currently fewer than 100 individuals, these people said, speaking on condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive ongoing investigation.

So far, the list of targeted phones includes devices used by high-profile people, including Mr. Trump, his son Eric Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. The list also includes members of Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign staff, as well as diplomatic, government and policy experts who are largely unknown to the general public but would hold significant interest to Chinese officials eager to learn more about internal U.S. policy-making, these people said. It is unclear what, if any, data was taken from those individuals.

In a statement, Eric Trump sought to blame the Biden administration for the hacking of the telecommunications networks, saying, “Does this surprise anyone? Under Kamala and Biden, China has walked all over our country.”

An aide to Mr. Kushner did not respond to an email seeking comment.

The Trump campaign team was notified last week that phones used by Mr. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, were among those targeted through the infiltration of Verizon phone systems. Others targeted by the hackers have been receiving similar notifications from U.S. authorities.

Democrats, including an aide to Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, were also targeted, the people said.

Regional Indian Flavors in the Flatiron District



At some of the newest Indian restaurants, regional fare is the focus. The same is true at Passerine. The chef Chetan Shetty is from Pune, near Mumbai, and he relies on spice blends his mother concocts and sends over. Chile-fueled kolhapuri ignites lamb tartare, ajwain masala adds pungency to baked oysters, and malwani spices dancing with vadouvan season fish. Greenmarket maitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, collards, broccoli rabe and cabbage figure as well. There are surprising touches, too, like Comté and Hollandaise. The restaurant’s lounge, called the Drawing Room, has its own brief menu and leads to the well-upholstered dining room. The space was formerly occupied by Sona, which closed earlier this year. (Opens Friday)

36 East 20th Street, 212-680-4945, passerinenyc.com.

Field Guide

Timothy Meyers, who worked at Eleven Madison Park, Mas (farmhouse) and Blanca, is going solo at this 60-seat Brooklyn restaurant he said is inspired by the outdoors of his childhood in a village in Central New York and also the tranquil scenes painted by Andrew Wyeth. Food is listed under the rubric “plates,” 16 of them priced from $14 to $45. Most adhere to a seasonal approach with fig leaf-wrapped pork terrine, butternut squash rillettes with clams, and beef fillet with sunflower crumble and chanterelles. Summer lingers in a squash blossom risotto and a blackberry-shiso condiment garnishing pork loin prime rib. (Friday)

235 Kent Avenue (North First Street), Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 917-757-2713, bkfieldguide.com.


Seafood shines in the hands of Nicholas Tamburo, who was the chef de cuisine at Claud. His approach reflects his Massachusetts roots, with items like hake and clams, tautog (blackfish, now in season) with kohlrabi, colonial Anadama bread with smoked bluefish, and apple cider doughnuts. His partner in this garden-level venture is the much-lauded beverage director, Nikita Malhotra. Cocktail creations, like the Cape Codder cranberry and a briny martini, fit the food. (Friday)

414 E 9th Street (First Avenue), smithereensnyc.com.

Tikal Mayan Food

A trip to Guatemala awaits in this new spot, though items like tacos and meat tamales, to say nothing of the ancient Mayan civilization, have few boundaries in the region. The menu even dips its toe into El Salvador with its pupusas. Grilled skirt steak, chicken in sour cream sauce and assorted stews bolstered with chiles define the food served in a simple room adorned with a portrait of one of Tikal’s astonishing temples.

1393 Second Avenue (72nd Street), 212-837-1911, tikalmayanfood.com.

Padang Dining at Ma-Dé

Padang Dining SpreadCredit…Noah Fecks

Cedric and Ochi Vongerichten have turned their second restaurant, just steps from their flagship Wayan, into a showcase for a communal Indonesian feast. Centered on fried chicken and slow-cooked butterfish, the spread includes a bountiful array of side dishes, including baby squid, sweetbreads and crispy smelts to name a few. Expect to eat with your hands: $58 per person. (Monday)

Ma-dé, 22 Spring Street (Elizabeth Street), 212-388-3988, ma-de-nyc.com.